cameo update
Hi Cameo supporter
Before everyone disappears for what I hope will be a cracking Christmas and New Year for each and every one of you, PLEASE don't forget The Cameo Campaign and here are some simple things you can do straight away to help:
1)) Register for email notification of the Cameo programme. This is a practical way to show interest in the Cameo and its films and to help staff morale - sign up, sign your friends up, get the programme
details weekly and please please please, come along to every film
Why are we recommending this action when the owners are not safeguarding the Cameo's future? Well, the for sale signs are up and the owners are starting to run it down - eg by stopping the membership scheme. Yet The Cameo is NOT a failing business and we need your help to show it is still thriving. It costs nothing to subscribe to the email programme, but it does show your interest in the cinema, which is judged by how many people come to see films, use the bar, and sign up to receive email programmes.
Please do all three! The Cameo needs you to go see films
in its lovely space, all year round, for as long as its there standing as a cinema.
Email a brief Christmas message to staff from you, mention you're
a Cameo Campaigner, and request to be added to their weekly email
programme. That's all it takes! Do it now at:
2) contact your local councillor and MSP to remind them of the Cameo situation and to urge their support in ensuring current and any future plans by City Screen are looked at critically and opposed unless the arthouse identity of the Cameo is kept intact, not least by ensuring the safeguarding of Cinema One, the Cameo's showpiece. Do it before Christmas if you can, and/or in the New Year!
We repeat, The Cameo is NOT a failing business. On the contrary it is not doing badly considering multiplex competition.
Sarah Boyack MSP and Cllr. Lorna Shiels have been stalwart in support of The Cameo. If you live in Edinburgh and not in their constituency/ward, please contact your own MSP and councillor - these individuals need informing of your concerns! Find your MSP and councillor if you don't know who they are,
3) As soon as the New Year starts, Save The Cameo will need your help again to bring The Cameo back on to the public agenda: please don't let it fade from view.
Write to newspapers, contact people, check the website regularly, and help make sure the start of the year promises a brighter future for The Cameo.
4) Soon there will be an email survey carried out of Edinburgh-based Cameo customers. This is important and we will email you soon with details. Please elp us by responding quickly.
Finally, "Its A Wonderful Life" is on at The Cameo from 23-29 December. If you can be there, please go to a screening, take your family - a great film in a great cinema.
Thank you so much for your support. Have a wonderful time.
Warmest wishes
Genni Poole
Campaign Coordinator
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