Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Retreat to Advance

I've been on a retreat these past two days - an enforced retreat. I was so tired on Monday evening I stayed home the day following and went to the doctors.

I closed the shutters lay down in my 'retreat space' futon and pile of blankets. Turned on the heating and shuffled out every now and again to reheat sausage casserole and read a bit of an Ian Rankin novel I'd borrowed from the library. The cats made themselves at home on top of me. Last night I stuck on a chicken to roast which I picked up on the way back from the doctors. Heaven ... comfort food. Watched a bit of TV. Today the cats had retreat cabin feaver and fought with each other over my innert body. I then graduated to women's magazines on the sofa. Luckily I'd had a shower and got dressed when I heard a banging at the door. It was a policeman making enquiries as my neighbour had died 'in suspicious' circumstances. Ian Rankin comes to my door. Yikkes and as a friend kindly pointed out I have no alibi...

However I feel SO much better. I was at the so tired I could weap stage on Monday night. Sometimes to STOP just everything is what is needed. Leaving our life for a bit helps us to pick up the thread again.

Serendipitously info came from Dhanakosa who offer buddist retreats and of course the Arvon Foundation have wonderful courses for writers.

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