Tuesday, October 25, 2005

bits and bobs

"There's a secret. If you put in the effort, the universe has a matching grant program. And it'll meet you halfway every time."

From Crossroads Dispatches please go and read this great blog posting.

Discussion on Starbucks and fairtrade coffee.


Adjusting to my new job. Must must get camera fixed so I can capture this new landscape.

It amazes me how many jobs which are 'very busy' actually have vast swathes of free time. Busy? Snort! Not compared to how full on and in the moment being creative is or the way the phone rang off the hook in my last job... ah well will have to think of creative uses for these pockets of time.

1 comment:

m said...

I thought the stuff about Costa interesting because I aways ask for fairtrade and hand over my 10p. The least they could do is send half of that to those who really need it.

Starbucks I don't go to regularly but really its the granola bars that draw me - I wish I could get a recipe.