Sunday, June 19, 2005

Robbie, Editor (L) Stuart Producer(R)

This is a photo from way back in winter when I did a shoot on my favorite beach in Edinburgh for a documentary pilot. Ahhh you were wondering weren't you if I ever actually produced something creative... Since then I've been knee deep in working for money, making several adjustments in my life (realising I'm not such a hermit after all) and becoming mummy to two kittens. I had a small supper party last Friday to introduce Frieda and Diego so some of my closest friends. Stuart came along gamely despite being allegic to kittens then had half a glass of wine which reacted badly with the anti allergy medication he had taken. But inbetween being very rude about kittens and cats he improvised a kitten toy out of some string and elastic he'd found in my kitchen. Anyway this is a round about way of getting to yes I've been very busy in the flow of life but really I have to get down to doing some creative work. Not only that its the kind of creative work which is not ladi la let my creative side come out and play but the making of a budget. Yes creativity also entails doing things which are frankly DULL. So time to surf away from Blogger print off some budgets and start playing around with figures. I also have to acknowledge that being away from this kind of stuff for so long has meant I've built up a small reservoir of fear about doing it. The only cure is doing it and doing it regularly.

So Stuart I will do that budget and I'm very impressed by your knowledge of Napoleon's resting place.

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