Thursday, May 20, 2004

traveling Rituals
(lack of updates due to worm virus and changing look due to indecision!)

There is an exercise in The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron where she asks you to draw a large circle and then divide it up into 6 equal sized pie pieces. Then each one is labeled 'work' 'exercise' 'friends & family''spirituality' 'play' and 'adventure/romance'. Then to plot an imaginary line from the centre of each piece of pie to the circumference and plot a point on the line. Near to the pie edge if we feel fulfilled in that area or near to the centre if we feel very unfulfilled. It gives a snapshot of where we are in our lives and the incentive to add things to give ourselves a more 'rounded' life.

The idea of travel gives off that giddy feeling that romance has so I'm not surprised that she marries the two states together.

In a few weeks I'll be traveling to Sydney Australia for a month long stay. I've opted for the more adventurous route - to stay in a hostel rather than with relatives. I've had my time cut out renewing my passport, buying travel insurance, choosing and agonizing over a hostel etc but now I realise I'm in another mode. I'm performing 'travelling rituals'. I've been buying sunscreen, ordering books for the flight, buying new pajamas, new clothes, new underwear! There is no way I can face the antipodes without new underwear! There appears to be a ritual renewal in a very materialistic way going on before this big change. In addition I'm meeting friends before I go off, tying up other loose ends like writing a will.

All this work is preparation for change - rituals help us to bridge the gap. Sometimes they are formal and organised think of a graduation ceremony or a wedding but we can make up our own.

Facing a new day with a cup of tea in a favourite mug and time for your own thoughts in a journal.

Unwinding from work by watering a garden every night.

Friends getting together at New Year.

Leaving do's at work.

I'm sure you can think of more.


Here are some traveling resources

Artist @ Large
the hip traveler

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