Every morning I stumble out of the shower - throw on some clothes, empty out my Moka coffee pot of yesterdays grounds, go outside if it isn't raining and chuck the grounds onto one of my plant pots. ( I will get a composter soon ). Then I wash it out, fill it up - currently with a very mellow NY style half caffine fairtrade version from Marks & Spencer (£2.25 a bag) and put it on my gas stove. The lowest heat. While it percolates through, I tackle the the washing up by hand. Then if its good weather I go outside with my coffee and sit on my bench under my cherry tree and a notebook and sip coffee and write my 'morning pages'. Its total luxury and costs me probably between 30-40p a day.
In 2000 I moved into this house and away from flatmates I vowed to never drink 'unreal coffee' again. And I have never bought instant coffee over the threshhold - as god is my witness... Occasionally I've fallen and been so broke I've not bought fairtrade. (IKEA does £1 bags of coffee and Lidle does 100g tins for £1.29). But as luxury's go its pretty cheap.
Coco Chanel said that 'Luxury is a necessity which begins were necessity ends' - mind you she was in the business of selling very expensive perfume.
But part of the luxury of the real cup of coffee is the time to have it. Allow it to percolate up - the lovely sound it makes - the time to sniff the aroma and finally the time to sit down and drink out of a favourite mug.
You might be allergic to caffine or loathe the taste but its worth thinking about what is the one thing that really adds to your life which is worth not compromising on. What is your luxury which begins were necessity ends?